$ do

Swift Advanced Topics


Access Control


  • 在此类型内部可访问
  • 此类型的嵌套类型内部可访问, 词法作用域
  • 在相同文件的此类型的扩展 (extensions) 内部可访问


  • 在相同文件内部可访问


  • 默认的访问控制类型
  • 在相同 module 内部可访问


  • 在相同 module 内部可访问
  • 被 import,可访问


  • 与 public 相同
  • 但能被其他 module 里的代码 override

    • class 继承
    • method 重写
    • property 重写
protocol Account { 
  associatedtype Currency
  var balance: Currency { get }
  func deposit(amount: Currency) 
  func withdraw(amount: Currency)

typealias Dollars = Double
/// A U.S. Dollar based "basic" account. 
open class BasicAccount: Account {
  // private(set) var balance: Dollars = 0.0 // private set, 外部不可修改
  public var balance: Dollars = 0.0
  public init() { }
  public func deposit(amount: Dollars) { 
    balance += amount 
  func withdraw(amount: Dollars) { 
    if amount <= balance { 
      balance -= amount 
    } else { 
      balance = 0 

public class CheckingAccount: BasicAccount { 
  private let accountNumber = UUID().uuidString // private, 外部不可读取或修改
  class Check {
    let account: String 
    var amount: Dollars 
    private(set) var cashed = false
    func cash() { 
      cashed = true 
    fileprivate init(amount: Dollars, from account: CheckingAccount) {  //fileprivate, 相同文件内可访问
      self.amount = amount 
      self.account = account.accountNumber 
  func writeCheck(amount: Dollars) -> Check? { 
    guard balance > amount else { 
      return nil 
    let check = Check(amount: amount, from: self) 
    withdraw(amount: check.amount) 
    return check

  func deposit(_ check: Check) { 
    guard !check.cashed else { 
    deposit(amount: check.amount) 

let johnChecking = CheckingAccount() // John 创建了支票账户
johnChecking.deposit(amount: 300.00) // John 存了 300 
let check = johnChecking.writeCheck(amount: 200.0)! // John 开了一张 200 的支票
let janeChecking = CheckingAccount() // Jane 创建了支票账户
janeChecking.deposit(check) // Jane 将 John 开的支票存进了她的账户
janeChecking.balance // Jane 账户现在有 200
janeChecking.deposit(check) // 支票已作废不能再存
janeChecking.balance // Jane 账户现在还是有 200
let johnChecking = CheckingAccount() // 因为 CheckingAccount 为 public

class SavingsAccount: BasicAccount { // 因为 BasicAccount 为 open
  var interestRate: Double
  init(interestRate: Double) { 
    self.interestRate = interestRate
  func processInterest() { 
    let interest = balance * interestRate
    deposit(amount: interest)


By behavior

public class CheckingAccount: BasicAccount { 
  private var issuedChecks: [Int] = [] 
  private var currentCheck = 1

private extension CheckingAccount { // private 使扩展中方法仅能被 CheckingAccount 使用,外部不能使用
  func inspectForFraud(with checkNumber: Int) -> Bool { 
    return issuedChecks.contains(checkNumber) 
  func nextNumber() -> Int { 
    let next = currentCheck 
    currentCheck += 1 
    return next 

By protocol conformance

extension CheckingAccount: CustomStringConvertible { 
  public var description: String { 
    return "Checking Balance: $\(balance)" 



class SavingsAccount: BasicAccount {
  var interestRate: Double
  //第一个参数 "*" 表示影响哪些平台 (*, iOS, iOSMac, tvOS or watchOS)
  @available(*, deprecated, message: "Use init(interestRate:pin:) instead")
  init(interestRate: Double) { 
    self.interestRate = interestRate
  @available(*, deprecated, message: "Use processInterest(pin:) instead")
  func processInterest() { 
    let interest = balance * interestRate
    deposit(amount: interest)


class SavingsAccount: BasicAccount { 
  var interestRate: Double 
  private let pin: Int
  init(interestRate: Double, pin: Int) { 
    self.interestRate = interestRate 
    self.pin = pin 
  func processInterest(pin: Int) {
    if pin == self.pin { 
      let interest = balance * interestRate 
      deposit(amount: interest) 


  • prefix, postfix, infix
infix operator **   // prefix, postfix, infix
func **(base: Int, power: Int) -> Int { 
  precondition(power >= 2) 
  var result = base 
  for _ in 2...power { 
    result *= base 
  return result

let base = 2 
let exponent = 2 
let result = base ** exponent

infix operator **=

func **=(lhs: inout Int, rhs: Int) { 
  lhs = lhs ** rhs 
var number = 2 
number **= exponent

Generic operators

func **<T: BinaryInteger>(base: T, power: Int) -> T { //使用泛型使之适用于所有 integer 类型
  precondition(power >= 2) 
  var result = base 
  for _ in 2...power { 
    result *= base 
  return result 

func **=<T: BinaryInteger>(lhs: inout T, rhs: Int) { 
  lhs = lhs ** rhs 


Precedence and associativity

2 * 2 ** 3 ** 2 // Does not compile!
2 * (2 ** (3 ** 2))

precedencegroup ExponentiationPrecedence { 
  associativity: right // 指定优先顺序
  higherThan: MultiplicationPrecedence // 指定优先级高于乘法
infix operator **: ExponentiationPrecedence

2 * 2 ** 3 ** 2 // 可以正常编译运行了


subscript(parameterList) -> ReturnType { // 不能用 inout 或 默认参数
  get { 
    // return someValue of ReturnType 
  set(newValue) { // 可选, newValue 的类型为 ReturnType
    // set someValue of ReturnType to newValue 
class Person {
  let name: String 
  let age: Int
  init(name: String, age: Int) { 
    self.name = name 
    self.age = age 
let me = Person(name: "Cosmin", age: 32)

extension Person {
  subscript(key: String) -> String? { 
    switch key { 
      case "name":
        return name
      case "age":
        return "\(age)"
        return nil
me["name"] // Cosmin
me["age"] // 32
me["gender"] // nil


subscript(property key: String) -> String? { 
me[property: "name"] 
me[property: "age"] 
me[property: "gender"]

Dynamic member lookup

  • @dynamicMemberLookup 提供 . 语法
  • 不能表明意图,编译期无限制,不要滥用
@dynamicMemberLookup // 开启 Subscripts 点语法
class Instrument {
  let brand: String 
  let year: Int 
  private let details: [String: String]
  init(brand: String, year: Int, details: [String: String]) { 
    self.brand = brand 
    self.year = year 
    self.details = details 
  subscript(dynamicMember key: String) -> String {  // 实现 subscript(dynamicMember:)
    switch key { 
      case "info":
        return "\(brand) made in \(year)."
        return details[key] ?? "" 

let instrument = Instrument(brand: "Roland", year: 2018, details: ["type": "accoustic", "pitch": "C"]) 
instrument.info // Roland made in 2018
instrument.pitch // C
instrument.abcd // "" // 运行时决定,编译时不报错

instrument.brand // "Roland" 
instrument.year // 2018

class Guitar: Instrument {} // 继承父类,调用父类的 dynamic member lookup
let guitar = Guitar(brand: "Fender", year: 2018, details: ["type": "electric", "pitch": "C"]) 


  • 存储属性的引用
  • 可以存储需要一层一层深入访问的属性的引用
  • 可以 append
  • 优点

    • 可以参数化属性,而不用硬编码
    • 可以将 keypath 用变量存储,灵活
class Tutorial {
  let title: String 
  let author: Person 
  let type: String 
  let publishDate: Date
  init(title: String, author: Person, type: String, publishDate: Date) { 
    self.title = title 
    self.author = author 
    self.type = type 
    self.publishDate = publishDate 

let tutorial = Tutorial(
  title: "Object Oriented Programming in Swift", 
  author: me, 
  type: "Swift", 
  publishDate: Date()

let title = \Tutorial.title // 为类 Tutorial 的 title 属性创建一个 keypath
let tutorialTitle = tutorial[keyPath: title] // 访问 keypath 的值

let authorName = \Tutorial.author.name // 需多层访问的属性
var tutorialAuthor = tutorial[keyPath: authorName]

let authorPath = \Tutorial.author 
let authorNamePath = authorPath.appending(path: \.name) // append
tutorialAuthor = tutorial[keyPath: authorNamePath]


class Jukebox { 
  var song: String
  init(song: String) { 
    self.song = song 

let jukebox = Jukebox(song: "Nothing else matters")

let song = \Jukebox.song 
jukebox[keyPath: song] = "Stairway to heaven"

Pattern matching

let coordinate = (x: 1, y: 0, z: 0)

if case (_, 0, 0) = coordinate { 
  print("along the x-axis") 
// 等价于
if (coordinate.y == 0) && (coordinate.z == 0) { 
  print("along the x-axis") 


func process(point: (x: Int, y: Int, z: Int)) -> String { 
  if case (0, 0, 0) = point { 
    return "At origin" 
  return "Not at origin" 

let point = (x: 0, y: 0, z: 0) 
let response = process(point: point) // At origin


func process(point: (x: Int, y: Int, z: Int)) -> String { 
  guard case (0, 0, 0) = point else { 
    return "Not at origin" 
  } // guaranteed point is at the origin 
  return "At origin" 


func process(point: (x: Int, y: Int, z: Int)) -> String { 
  let closeRange = -2...2 
  let midRange = -5...5
  switch point { 
    case (0, 0, 0):
      return "At origin" 
    case (closeRange, closeRange, closeRange):
      return "Very close to origin" 
    case (midRange, midRange, midRange):
      return "Nearby origin" 
      return "Not near origin" 

let point = (x: 15, y: 5, z: 3) 
let response = process(point: point) // Not near origin


let groupSizes = [1, 5, 4, 6, 2, 1, 3] 
for case 1 in groupSizes { 
  print("Found an individual") // 2 times 


Wildcard pattern

if case (_, 0, 0) = coordinate { 
  // x can be any value. y and z must be exactly 0. 
  print("On the x-axis") // Printed!

Value-binding pattern

if case (let x, 0, 0) = coordinate { 
  print("On the x-axis at \(x)") // Printed: 1 

if case let (x, y, 0) = coordinate { 
  print("On the x-y plane at (\(x), \(y))") // Printed: 1, 0 

Enumeration case pattern

enum Direction { 
  case north, south, east, west 
let heading = Direction.north 
if case .north = heading {
  print("Don't forget your jacket")

enum Organism { 
  case plant 
  case animal(legs: Int) 

let pet = Organism.animal(legs: 4)
switch pet { 
  case .animal(let legs):
    print("Potentially cuddly with \(legs) legs") // Printed: 4 
    print("No chance for cuddles") 

Optional pattern

let names: [String?] = ["Michelle", nil, "Brandon", "Christine", nil, "David"]
for case let name? in names {
  print(name) // 4 times 

“Is” type-casting pattern

let array: [Any] = [15, "George", 2.0]
for element in array { 
  switch element { 
    case is String:
      print("Found a string") // 1 time 
      print("Found something else") // 2 times 

“As” type-casting pattern

for element in array { 
  switch element { 
  case let text as String:
    print("Found a string: \(text)") // 1 time 
    print("Found something else") // 2 times

Qualifying with where

for number in 1...9 { 
  switch number { 
  case let x where x % 2 == 0:
    print("even") // 4 times 
    print("odd") // 5 times 
enum LevelStatus { 
  case complete 
  case inProgress(percent: Double) 
  case notStarted 

let levels: [LevelStatus] = [.complete, .inProgress(percent: 0.9), .notStarted]

for level in levels {
  switch level { 
    case .inProgress(let percent) where percent > 0.8 :
      print("Almost there!") 
    case .inProgress(let percent) where percent > 0.5 :
      print("Halfway there!") 
    case .inProgress(let percent) where percent > 0.2 :
      print("Made it through the beginning!") 

Chaining with commas

  • Simple logical test, 如: foo == 10 || bar > baz
  • Optional binding, 如: let foo = maybeFoo
  • Pattern matching, 如: case .bar(let something) = theValue
func timeOfDayDescription(hour: Int) -> String { 
  switch hour { 
    case 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5:
      return "Early morning" 
    case 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11:
      return "Morning" 
    case 12, 13, 14, 15, 16:
      return "Afternoon" 
    case 17, 18, 19:
      return "Evening" 
    case 20, 21, 22, 23:
      return "Late evening" 
      return "INVALID HOUR!"

let timeOfDay = timeOfDayDescription(hour: 12) // Afternoon

if case .animal(let legs) = pet, case 2...4 = legs { 
  print("potentially cuddly") // Printed!
} else {
  print("no chance for cuddles") 
enum Number { 
  case integerValue(Int) 
  case doubleValue(Double) 
  case booleanValue(Bool) 

let a = 5 
let b = 6 
let c: Number? = .integerValue(7) 
let d: Number? = .integerValue(8)

if a != b {
  if let c = c { 
    if let d = d { 
      if case .integerValue(let cValue) = c { 
        if case .integerValue(let dValue) = d { 
          if dValue > cValue { 
            print("a and b are different") // Printed! 
            print("d is greater than c") // Printed! 
            print("sum: \(a + b + cValue + dValue)") // 26 
// 等价于
if a != b,
  let c = c, 
  let d = d, 
  case .integerValue(let cValue) = c, 
  case .integerValue(let dValue) = d, 
  dValue > cValue { 
    print("a and b are different") // Printed!
    print("d is greater than c") // Printed!
    print("sum: \(a + b + cValue + dValue)") // Printed: 26

Custom tuple

let name = "Bob" 
let age = 23

if case ("Bob", 23) = (name, age) { 
  print("Found the right Bob!") // Printed! 
var username: String? 
var password: String?

switch (username, password) { 
  case let (username?, password?):
    print("Success! User: \(username) Pass: \(password)") 
  case let (username?, nil):
    print("Password is missing. User: \(username)") 
  case let (nil, password?):
    print("Username is missing. Pass: \(password)") 
  case (nil, nil):
    print("Both username and password are missing") // Printed! 

Fun with wildcards

for _ in 1...3 { 
  print("hi") // 3 times 

Validate that an optional exists

let user: String? = "Bob" 
guard let _ = user else {
  print("There is no user.")
print("User exists, but identity not needed.") // Printed!
// 等价于
guard user != nil else { // 更具表意
  print("There is no user.") fatalError() 

Organize an if-else-if

struct Rectangle { 
  let width: Int 
  let height: Int 
  let color: String 

let view = Rectangle(width: 15, height: 60, color: "Green") 
switch view { 
  case _ where view.height < 50:
    print("Shorter than 50 units") 
  case _ where view.width > 20:
    print("Over 50 tall, & over 20 wide") 
  case _ where view.color == "Green":
    print("Over 50 tall, at most 20 wide, & green") // Printed! 
    print("This view can't be described by this example") 

Expression pattern

  • ~= 表示一个 integer 是否落在一个 range 内
  • if case 功能上与 ~= 等价
let matched = (1...10 ~= 5) // true
if case 1...10 = 5 {
  print("In the range")

Overloading ~=

let list = [0, 1, 2, 3] 
let integer = 2 
let isInArray = (list ~= integer) // Error! 
if case list = integer { // Error!
  print("The integer is in the array") 
} else {
  print("The integer is not in the array")

func ~=(pattern: [Int], value: Int) -> Bool {
  for i in pattern { 
    if i == value { 
      return true 
  return false

let isInArray = (list ~= integer) // true
if case list = integer { 
  print("The integer is in the array") // Printed! 
} else {
  print("The integer is not in the array") 

Error Handing


Failable initializers

let value = Int("3") // Optional(3) 
let failedValue = Int("nope") // nil

enum PetFood: String { 
  case kibble, canned 
let morning = PetFood(rawValue: "kibble") // Optional(.kibble)
let snack = PetFood(rawValue: "fuuud!") // nil

struct PetHouse { 
  let squareFeet: Int
  // 用 init? 创建一个 Failable initializer. 保证实例有正确的属性, 否则就不存在
  init?(squareFeet: Int) { 
    if squareFeet < 1 { 
      return nil 
    self.squareFeet = squareFeet 
let tooSmall = PetHouse(squareFeet: 0) // nil 
let house = PetHouse(squareFeet: 1) // Optional(Pethouse)

Optional chaining

class Pet { 
  var breed: String?
  init(breed: String? = nil) { 
    self.breed = breed 
class Person { 
  let pet: Pet
  init(pet: Pet) { 
    self.pet = pet 
let delia = Pet(breed: "pug") 
let olive = Pet()
let janie = Person(pet: olive) 
let dogBreed = janie.pet.breed! // This is bad! Will cause a crash!

// 标准的 optional 处理
if let dogBreed = janie.pet.breed { 
  print("Olive is a \(dogBreed)") 
} else {
  print("Olive's breed is unknown.") 
class Toy {
  enum Kind { 
    case ball 
    case zombie 
    case bone 
    case mouse 
  enum Sound { 
    case squeak 
    case bell 
  let kind: Kind 
  let color: String 
  var sound: Sound?
  init(kind: Kind, color: String, sound: Sound? = nil) { 
    self.kind = kind 
    self.color = color 
    self.sound = sound 
class Pet {
  enum Kind { 
    case dog 
    case cat 
    case guineaPig 
  let name: String 
  let kind: Kind 
  let favoriteToy: Toy?
  init(name: String, kind: Kind, favoriteToy: Toy? = nil) { 
    self.name = name 
    self.kind = kind 
    self.favoriteToy = favoriteToy 
class Person { 
  let pet: Pet?
  init(pet: Pet? = nil) { 
    self.pet = pet 

let janie = Person(
  pet: Pet(
    name: "Delia", 
    kind: .dog, 
    favoriteToy: Toy(
      kind: .ball, 
      color: "Purple", 
      sound: .bell
let tammy = Person(
  pet: Pet(
    name: "Evil Cat Overlord", 
    kind: .cat, 
    favoriteToy: Toy(
      kind: .mouse, 
      color: "Orange"
let felipe = Person()

if let sound = janie.pet?.favoriteToy?.sound { // optional chaining
  print("Sound \(sound)") 
} else {
  print("No sound.") 

if let sound = tammy.pet?.favoriteToy?.sound { 
  print("Sound \(sound)") 
} else {
  print("No sound.") 

if let sound = felipe.pet?.favoriteToy?.sound { 
  print("Sound \(sound)") 
} else {
  print("No sound.") 

Map and compactMap

let team = [janie, tammy, felipe]
let petNames = team.map { $0.pet?.name }
for pet in petNames { 
// Optional("Delia") 
// Optional("Evil Cat Overlord") 
// nil

// compactMap flatten [Optional<String>] -> [String]
let betterPetNames = team.compactMap { $0.pet?.name } 
for pet in betterPetNames { 
// Delia
// Evil Cat Overlord

Error protocol

class Pastry {
  let flavor: String 
  var numberOnHand: Int
  init(flavor: String, numberOnHand: Int) { 
    self.flavor = flavor 
    self.numberOnHand = numberOnHand 

enum BakeryError: Error { 
  case tooFew(numberOnHand: Int) 
  case doNotSell 
  case wrongFlavor

class Bakery {
  var itemsForSale = [ 
    "Cookie": Pastry(flavor: "ChocolateChip", numberOnHand: 20), 
    "PopTart": Pastry(flavor: "WildBerry", numberOnHand: 13), 
    "Donut" : Pastry(flavor: "Sprinkles", numberOnHand: 24), 
    "HandPie": Pastry(flavor: "Cherry", numberOnHand: 6) 
  func orderPastry(
    item: String, 
    amountRequested: Int, 
    flavor: String) throws -> Int { // throw errors
    guard let pastry = itemsForSale[item] else { 
      throw BakeryError.doNotSell 
    guard flavor == pastry.flavor else {
      throw BakeryError.wrongFlavor 
    guard amountRequested <= pastry.numberOnHand else {
      throw BakeryError.tooFew(numberOnHand: pastry.numberOnHand) 
    pastry.numberOnHand -= amountRequested
    return pastry.numberOnHand

let bakery = Bakery()
// handle errors
do {
  try bakery.orderPastry(item: "Albatross", amountRequested: 1, flavor: "AlbatrossFlavor") 
} catch BakeryError.doNotSell {
  print("Sorry, but we don't sell this item") 
} catch BakeryError.wrongFlavor {
  print("Sorry, but we don't carry this flavor") 
} catch BakeryError.tooFew {
  print("Sorry, we don't have enough items to fulfill your order") 

try ?

  • 不关心 error 的具体细节.
  • try? 包装成 Optional,
  • 若抛错, 则返回 nil
let remaining = try? bakery.orderPastry(item: "Albatross", amountRequested: 1, flavor: "AlbatrossFlavor")

try !

  • 确切知道代码不会报错
  • 小心使用, 若抛错程序会崩溃
try! bakery.orderPastry(item: "Cookie", amountRequested: 1, flavor: "ChocolateChip")
// 等价于
do { 
  try bakery.orderPastry(item: "Cookie", amountRequested: 1, flavor: "ChocolateChip") 
} catch {

Example: PugBot

enum Direction { 
  case left 
  case right 
  case forward 
enum PugBotError: Error { 
  case invalidMove(found: Direction, expected: Direction) 
  case endOfPath 

class PugBot {
  let name: String 
  let correctPath: [Direction] 
  private var currentStepInPath = 0
  init(name: String, correctPath: [Direction]) { 
    self.correctPath = correctPath 
    self.name = name 
  func turnLeft() throws {
    guard currentStepInPath < correctPath.count else { 
      throw PugBotError.endOfPath 
    let nextDirection = correctPath[currentStepInPath] 
    guard nextDirection == .left else {
      throw PugBotError.invalidMove(found: .left, expected: nextDirection) 
    currentStepInPath += 1

  func turnRight() throws {
    guard currentStepInPath < correctPath.count else { 
      throw PugBotError.endOfPath 
    let nextDirection = correctPath[currentStepInPath] 
    guard nextDirection == .right else {
      throw PugBotError.invalidMove(found: .right, expected: nextDirection) 
    currentStepInPath += 1

  func moveForward() throws {
    guard currentStepInPath < correctPath.count else { 
      throw PugBotError.endOfPath
    let nextDirection = correctPath[currentStepInPath] 
    guard nextDirection == .forward else {
      throw PugBotError.invalidMove(found: .forward, expected: nextDirection)
    currentStepInPath += 1

  func reset() { 
    currentStepInPath = 0 

let pug = PugBot(name: "Pug", correctPath: [.forward, .left, .forward, .right])

func goHome() throws { 
  try pug.moveForward() 
  try pug.turnLeft() 
  try pug.moveForward() 
  try pug.turnRight() 

do { 
  try goHome() 
} catch {
  print("PugBot failed to get home.") 

Handling multiple errors

func moveSafely(_ movement: () throws -> ()) -> String {
  do { 
    try movement() 
    return "Completed operation successfully."
  } catch PugBotError.invalidMove(let found, let expected) {
    return "The PugBot was supposed to move \(expected), but moved \(found) instead."
  } catch PugBotError.endOfPath {
    return "The PugBot tried to move past the end of the path." 
  } catch { // 必需一个默认的 catch. 虽然是枚举类型.
    return "An unknown error occurred" 


// trailing closure syntax (尾闭包语法)
moveSafely { 
  try pug.moveForward() 
  try pug.turnLeft() 
  try pug.moveForward() 
  try pug.turnRight() 



  • catch 每个异常
  • 把异常再抛出
  • rethrow 表示仅会把传入的函数抛出的异常给抛出,而不会抛出其自身的异常
func perform(times: Int, movement: () throws -> ()) rethrows { 
  for _ in 1...times { 
    try movement() 




func encode(to: Encoder) throws


init(from decoder: Decoder) throws


typealias Codable = Encodable & Decodable


Automatic encoding and decoding

  • Int, String, Date, Array, Dictionary 和其他一些标准库以及 Foundation 中的类型
  • 实现 Codable 协议并且所有存储属性也都实现了 Codable 协议
struct Employee: Codable { 
  var name: String 
  var id: Int 
  var favoriteToy: Toy?

struct Toy: Codable { 
  var name: String 

Custom types

JSONEncoder and JSONDecoder

let toy1 = Toy(name: "Teddy Bear"); 
let employee1 = Employee(name: "John Appleseed", id: 7, favoriteToy: toy1)

let jsonEncoder = JSONEncoder() 
let jsonData = try jsonEncoder.encode(employee1) 

let jsonString = String(data: jsonData, encoding: .utf8)! 
print(jsonString) // {"name":"John Appleseed","id":7,"favoriteToy":{"name":"Teddy Bear"}}

let jsonDecoder = JSONDecoder() 
let employee2 = try jsonDecoder.decode(Employee.self, from: jsonData)



  • 枚举类型,可以嵌套在需序列化的类型里
  • 实现 CodingKey 协议
  • 用 String 作为 the raw type
  • 必须在枚举里包含所有属性,即使不需重命名的属性
  • 此枚举的实例默认会被编译器创建,我们只需实现好此枚举即可
struct Employee: Codable { 
  var name: String 
  var id: Int 
  var favoriteToy: Toy?
  enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
    case id = "employeeId" 
    case name 
    case favoriteToy 
// { "employeeId": 7, "name": "John Appleseed", "favoriteToy": {"name": "Teddy Bear"}}

Manual encoding and decoding

如需要 JSON 为: { "employeeId": 7, "name": "John Appleseed", "gift": "Teddy Bear" }

不仅仅重命名属性, 而是修改了 JSON 结构

struct Employee { // remove Employee’s conformance to Codable (Encodable & Decodable)
  var name: String 
  var id: Int 
  var favoriteToy: Toy?
  enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { 
    case id = "employeeId" 
    case name 
    case gift
// Encodable (instance -> string)
extension Employee: Encodable { 
  func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws { 
    //1. get the container of the encoder
    var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) 
    //2. choose which properties to encode for which keys
    try container.encode(name, forKey: .name) 
    try container.encode(id, forKey: .id) 
    // flatten favoriteToy?.name down to the .gift key
    try container.encode(favoriteToy?.name, forKey: .gift) 
// Decodable (string -> instance)
extension Employee: Decodable {
  init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { 
    let values = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) 
    name = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .name) 
    id = try values.decode(Int.self, forKey: .id) 
    if let gift = try values.decode(String?.self, forKey: .gift) { 
      favoriteToy = Toy(name: gift) 

encodeIfPresent and decodeIfPresent

extension Employee: Encodable { 
  func encode(to encoder: Encoder) throws { 
    var container = encoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) 
    try container.encode(name, forKey: .name) 
    try container.encode(id, forKey: .id) 
    // 如果有值才进行 encode, 避免出现 null
    try container.encodeIfPresent(favoriteToy?.name, forKey: .gift) 

extension Employee: Decodable {
  init(from decoder: Decoder) throws { 
    let values = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self) 
    name = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .name) 
    id = try values.decode(Int.self, forKey: .id) 
    if let gift = try values.decodeIfPresent(String.self, forKey: .gift) { 
      favoriteToy = Toy(name: gift) 


Reference cycles

class Tutorial {
  let title: String 
  var editor: Editor?
  init(title: String) { 
    self.title = title 
  deinit { 
    print("Goodbye Tutorial \(title)!") 

class Editor {
  let name: String 
  var tutorials: [Tutorial] = []
  init(name: String) { 
    self.name = name 
  deinit { 
    print("Goodbye Editor \(name)!") 

do { 
  let tutorial = Tutorial(title: "Memory management") 
  let editor = Editor(name: "Ray") 
  // 下面两句造成了循环引用
  tutorial.editor = editor 

Weak references

  • 声明为 Optional

  • 不能将常量定义为 weak

  • 因为定义为 weak 的变量会在运行时被设置为 nil

class Tutorial {
  let title: String 
  weak var editor: Editor? // weak reference (optional) break the cycle
  init(title: String) { 
    self.title = title 
  deinit { 
    print("Goodbye Tutorial \(title)!") 

Unowned references

  • 总是期望有值
  • 不能声明为 Optional
class Tutorial {
  let title: String 
  unowned let author: Author // unowned reference (非 optional)
  weak var editor: Editor?
  init(title: String, author: Author) { 
    self.title = title 
    self.author = author 
  deinit {
    print("Goodbye Tutorial \(title)!") 

class Author {
  let name: String 
  var tutorials: [Tutorial] = []
  init(name: String) { 
    self.name = name 
  deinit { 
    print("Goodbye Author \(name)!") 

do { 
  let editor = Editor(name: "Ray") 
  let author = Author(name: "Cosmin") 
  let tutorial = Tutorial(title: "Memory management", author: author) 
  tutorial.editor = editor 

// Goodbye Author Cosmin!
// Goodbye Tutorial Memory management! 
// Goodbye Editor Ray!


  • 闭包捕获了类的实例
  • 此闭包又被赋值给了此类的属性
class Tutorial {
  let title: String 
  unowned let author: Author
  weak var editor: Editor?
  // strong reference cycle
  lazy var createDescription: () -> String = { 
    return "\(self.title) by \(self.author.name)" 
  init(title: String, author: Author) { 
    self.title = title 
    self.author = author 
  deinit {
    print("Goodbye Tutorial \(title)!") 

Capture lists

  • 闭包捕获的变量列表
  • 位于闭包参数之前的开始位置
var counter = 0
var f = { print(counter) } // 引用了变量 counter
counter = 1
f() // 1

counter = 0 
f = { [c = counter] in print(c) }
counter = 1 
f() // 0

// 可简写为:
counter = 0 
f = { [counter] in print(counter) } // 无需变量 c, counter 是一个 shadowed copy
counter = 1 
class Tutorial {
  let title: String 
  unowned let author: Author
  weak var editor: Editor?
  lazy var createDescription: () -> String = { 
    [unowned self] in
    return "\(self.title) by \(self.author.name)" 
  init(title: String, author: Author) { 
    self.title = title 
    self.author = author 
  deinit {
    print("Goodbye Tutorial \(title)!") 

escaping closures

  • 例如 filter 的 闭包,当 filter 完成后,此闭包不可访问,称为 non-escaping

  • 异步代码用的闭包,为 escaping closures , 可能会造成循环引用

  • 闭包默认是 non-escaping

  • escaping closure 需要用 @escaping 修饰


func log(message: String) {
  let thread = Thread.current.isMainThread ? "Main" : "Background"
  print("\(thread) thread: \(message)")

func addNumbers(upTo range: Int) -> Int {
  log(message: "Adding numbers...")
  return (1...range).reduce(0, +)

let queue = DispatchQueue(label: "queue") // a serial queue

func execute<Result>(backgroundWork: @escaping () -> Result,  // 需要显示用 @escaping 修饰
                     mainWork: @escaping (Result) -> ()) { 
  // 因为 backgroundWork 和 backgroundWork 都在异步代码块里,被异步调用
  // 当 execute 函数执行结束后,闭包需要继续存在,被异步调用
  queue.async { 
    let result = backgroundWork()
    DispatchQueue.main.async { 

execute(backgroundWork: { addNumbers(upTo: 100) }, 
  mainWork: { log(message: "The sum is \($0)") })

// Background thread: Adding numbers... 
// Main thread: The sum is 5050

weak self

有时不能捕获 self 作为 unowned, 因为 self 可能为 nil, 需用 weak

extension Editor { 
  func feedback(for tutorial: Tutorial) -> String { 
    let tutorialStatus: String 
    // Should use the tutorial.content here, really. :] 
    // Instead, flip a coin 
    tutorialStatus = Bool.random() ? "published" : "rejected" 
    return "Tutorial \(tutorialStatus) by \(self.name)" 
  func editTutorial(_ tutorial: Tutorial) { 
    queue.async() { 
      [unowned self] in  // 虽然没用循环应用,但此代码不安全,因为在异步代码执行时,self 可能为 nil
      // The editor went out of scope before editTutorial had completed, self.feedback would crash when it eventually executed.
      let feedback = self.feedback(for: tutorial) 
      DispatchQueue.main.async { print(feedback) } 
// 修改为:
extension Editor { 
  func editTutorial(_ tutorial: Tutorial) { 
    queue.async() { 
      [weak self] in // 使用 weak
      guard let self = self else { 
        print("I no longer exist so no feedback for you!") 
      DispatchQueue.main.async { 
        print(self.feedback(for: tutorial)) 


  • 引用类型:assign-by-reference
  • 值类型:assign-by-copy
  • 值类型和引用类型的不同,其实是一种分配行为的不同

    • Value types and reference types differ in their assignment behavior.
  • 值类型可以防止意外的改变,有助于线程安全
struct Color: CustomStringConvertible { 
  var red, green, blue: Double
  var description: String { 
    return "r: \(red) g: \(green) b: \(blue)"               

// Preset colors 
extension Color { 
  static var black = Color(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0) 
  static var white = Color(red: 1, green: 1, blue: 1) 
  static var blue = Color(red: 0, green: 0, blue: 1) 
  static var green = Color(red: 0, green: 1, blue: 0) // more ...

// Paint bucket abstraction 
class Bucket {
  var color: Color 
  var isRefilled = false
  init(color: Color) { 
    self.color = color 
  func refill() { 
    isRefilled = true 

let azurePaint = Bucket(color: .blue) 
let wallBluePaint = azurePaint 
wallBluePaint.isRefilled // => false, initially 
wallBluePaint.isRefilled // => true, unsurprisingly!

extension Color { 
  mutating func darken() { 
    red *= 0.9; green *= 0.9; blue *= 0.9 

var azure = Color.blue 
var wallBlue = azure 
azure // r: 0.0 g: 0.0 b: 1.0 
azure // r: 0.0 g: 0.0 b: 1.0 (unaffected)

值语义 (不是值类型)

  • A type has value semantics if the only way to affect a variable’s value is through that variable.

  • 一个具有值语义类型的变量,如果想要修改它只有一种方法,那就是通过变量本身进行修改;反过来如果只能通过变量本身修改值,那么这是一个具有值语义的变量

  • 值语义可以保证变量值的独立性

  • 修改一个变量永远不会影响其他值语义类型的变量

  • 如果它完全不受其他变量的引用和修改的影响,那么它就是值语义类型(这不是指它不会影响其他变量,而是其他变量不会影响它)

  • 值语义是关于接口,而值类型和引用类型是关于实现的

  • 值语义整体的好处是可以让你忘记实例的存在

  • 不可变的引用类型具有值语义

  • 类型的访问权限也是和值语义有关的

  • One benefit of value semantics is that they aid local reasoning, since to find out how a variable got its value you only need to consider the history of interactions with that variable. The world of value semantics, is a simple one, where variables have values and those variables do not affect each other.

  • 值语义适合惰性的,记叙性的数据,如数字,字符串,物理,数学,二进制等

  • 引用语义适合具有区别性的个体,如按钮,内存buffer,屏幕坐标中的物体,真实世界中的物体等

// 检测一个类型是否是值语义的

var x = MysteryType() 
var y = x 
exposeValue(x) // => initial value derived from x 
// {code here which uses only y} // 这里的代码只能使用 y, 不能使用 x
exposeValue(x) // => final value derived from x 
// Q: are the initial and final values different? 
// 检测初始的 x 和 最终的 x 是否相等,若相等则是值语义的,否则不是


  • 基本值类型,如 Int,自动支持值语义,因为其是 assign-by-copy

    • A primitive value type like Int always has value semantics.
  • 复合值类型,如 struct , enum

    • 一个结构体支持值语义,则其所有存储属性支持值语义
    • If you define a struct type with properties, that type will have value semantics if all of its properties have value semantics.
    • 其他类型,如枚举,类似
    • Similarly, if you define an enum type with associated values, that type will have value semantics if all its associated values have value semantics.
  • 引用类型

    • The type must be immutable, so the requirement is that all its properties are constant and must be of types that have value semantics.
    • 必须定义为不可变 (immutable)
    • 其所有存储属性为常量或支持值语义
    // UIImage 为不可变的 (immutable),其属性 (scale, capInsets, renderingMode, etc.) 都是只读的
    var a = UIImage(named:"smile.jpg") 
    var b = a 
    computeValue(b) // => something 
    computeValue(b) // => same thing! // 是值语义的
  • 值类型包含可变引用类型

    • 实现 copy-on-write
    • Choose the “value-semantics access level”, that is, the access level that’ll expose an interface that preserves value semantics.
    • Make note of all mutable reference-type properties, as these are the ones that spoil automatic value semantics. Set their access level below the value-semantics level.
    • Define all the setters and mutating functions at and above the value-semantics access level so that they never actually modify a shared instance of those referencetype properties, but instead assign a copy of the instance to the reference-type property.
    struct PaintingPlan // a value type, containing ... 
    var accent = Color.white // a value type
    var bucket = Bucket(color: .blue) // a mutable reference type 
    let artPlan = PaintingPlan() 
    let housePlan = artPlan 
    artPlan.bucket.color // => blue 
    // for house-painting only we fill the bucket with green paint 
    housePlan.bucket.color = Color.green 
    artPlan.bucket.color // => green. oops!
    // 实现 copy-on-write 来解决
    struct PaintingPlan // a value type, containing ... 
    var accent = Color.white // a value type
    private var bucket = Bucket() // a private reference type, for "deep storage" 
    // a pseudo-value type, using the deep storage 
    var bucketColor: Color { 
      get { 
        return bucket.color 
      set { 
        bucket = Bucket(color: newValue) 
    // 进一步优化
    struct PaintingPlan // a value type, containing ... 
    // ... as above ...
    // a computed property facade over deep storage 
    // with copy-on-write and in-place mutation when possible 
    var bucketColor: Color {
      get { 
        return bucket.color 
      set { 
        // 用标准库函数 isKnownUniquelyReferenced 判断 bucket 是否在其他地方被引用
        if isKnownUniquelyReferenced(&bucket) { 
          bucket.color = bucketColor 
        } else { 
          bucket = Bucket(color: newValue) 


  • Protocol-oriented programming emphasizes coding to protocols, instead of to specific classes, structs or enums.
  • Extending protocols is the key to an entirely new style of programming!

Protocal extensions

  • 协议扩展可以包含对于协议成员的实现
extension String { 
  func shout() { 

"Swift is pretty cool".shout()

protocol TeamRecord { 
  var wins: Int { get } 
  var losses: Int { get } 
  var winningPercentage: Double { get } 

extension TeamRecord {
  var gamesPlayed: Int { // 计算属性
    return wins + losses 

struct BaseballRecord: TeamRecord { 
  var wins: Int 
  var losses: Int
  var winningPercentage: Double { 
    return Double(wins) / Double(wins + losses) 
let sanFranciscoSwifts = BaseballRecord(wins: 10, losses: 5) 
sanFranciscoSwifts.gamesPlayed // 15

Default implementation

  • 协议扩展可以用于抽取大多数相同的属性实现作为默认实现
  • 可极大的减少重复代码或样板代码
  • 默认实现不会阻止实现协议类型进行自定义
  • 协议本身有声明,协议扩展中再进行默认实现
struct BasketballRecord: TeamRecord { 
  var wins: Int 
  var losses: Int 
  let seasonLength = 82
  // winningPercentage 的实现与 BaseballRecord 相同
  // TeamRecord 的 winningPercentage 实现大多数可能都相同
  var winningPercentage: Double { 
    return Double(wins) / Double(wins + losses) 

// 使用协议扩展用于默认实现
extension TeamRecord { 
  var winningPercentage: Double { 
    return Double(wins) / Double(wins + losses) 

struct BasketballRecord: TeamRecord { 
  var wins: Int 
  var losses: Int
  let seasonLength = 82
let minneapolisFunctors = BasketballRecord(wins: 60, losses: 22) 

// 仍然可以自定义
struct HockeyRecord: TeamRecord { 
  var wins: Int 
  var losses: Int 
  var ties: Int
  // Hockey record introduces ties, and has 
  // its own implementation of winningPercentage 
  var winningPercentage: Double { // 自定义
    return Double(wins) / Double(wins + losses + ties) 
let chicagoOptionals = BasketballRecord(wins: 10, losses: 6) 
let phoenixStridables = HockeyRecord(wins: 8, losses: 7, ties: 1)
chicagoOptionals.winningPercentage // 10 / (10 + 6) == 0.625 
phoenixStridables.winningPercentage // 8 / (8 + 7 + 1) == 0.5

Static dispatching

  • 协议扩展中定义而协议本身中未定义的属性或方法是静态派发,而非动态绑定,无多态
  • 协议本身中定义了属性或方法而在协议扩展中只是进行了默认实现,则为动态派发
protocol WinLoss { 
  var wins: Int { get } 
  var losses: Int { get } 

extension WinLoss { 
  var winningPercentage: Double { // 静态派发
    return Double(wins) / Double(wins + losses) 

struct CricketRecord: WinLoss { 
  var wins: Int 
  var losses: Int 
  var draws: Int
  var winningPercentage: Double { 
    return Double(wins) / Double(wins + losses + draws) 

let miamiTuples = CricketRecord(wins: 8, losses: 7, draws: 1) 
let winLoss: WinLoss = miamiTuples
miamiTuples.winningPercentage // 0.5 (8 / (8 + 7 + 1))
winLoss.winningPercentage // 0.53 !!! (8 / (8 + 7)) // WinLoss 中定义的 winningPercentage

Type constraints

  • By using a type constraint on a protocol extension, you’re able to use methods and properties from another type inside the implementation of your extension.
protocol PostSeasonEligible { 
  var minimumWinsForPlayoffs: Int { get } 
// 对实现了 TeamRecord 协议,同时实现了 PostSeasonEligible 协议的类型扩展属性
extension TeamRecord where Self: PostSeasonEligible { 
  var isPlayoffEligible: Bool { 
    return wins > minimumWinsForPlayoffs // 可使用 TeamRecord 和 PostSeasonEligible 中的属性
  • Use type constraints to create default implementations on specific type combinations
struct HockeyRecord: TeamRecord { 
  var wins: Int 
  var losses: Int 
  var ties: Int
  var winningPercentage: Double { // 自定义的,但也会有很多与之相同的实现
    return Double(wins) / Double(wins + losses + ties) 

// 使用类型约束来对另一些具体类型做默认实现
protocol Tieable { 
  var ties: Int { get } 
extension TeamRecord where Self: Tieable { 
  var winningPercentage: Double { 
    return Double(wins) / Double(wins + losses + ties) 
struct RugbyRecord: TeamRecord, Tieable { 
  var wins: Int 
  var losses: Int 
  var ties: Int 
let rugbyRecord = RugyRecord(wins: 8, losses: 7, ties: 1) 
rugbyRecord.winningPercentage // 0.5

Protocol-oriented benefits

  • 使用 protocol 可以用于任何类型,对其做约束
  • 使用 class, 之后将只能一直使用 class
class TeamRecordBase { 
  var wins = 0 
  var losses = 0
  var winningPercentage: Double { 
    return Double(wins) / Double(wins + losses) 

// Will not compile: inheritance is only possible with classes. 
struct BaseballRecord: TeamRecordBase {
  • 使用 class,要扩展时只能在子类中进行,或再增加一个子基类,增加了类继承的深度
  • 使用 class,在扩展时需要关心具体的基类
  • 使用 protocal,无需关心具体的类型

    • With protocols, you don’t need to worry about the specific type or even whether the thing is a class or a struct; all you care about is the existence of certain common properties and methods.
// add ties to the mix
class HockeyRecord: TeamRecordBase { 
  var ties = 0
  override var winningPercentage: Double { 
    return Double(wins) / Double(wins + losses + ties) 

// or
class TieableRecordBase: TeamRecordBase { 
  var ties = 0
  override var winningPercentage: Double { 
    return Double(wins) / Double(wins + losses + ties) 
class HockeyRecord: TieableRecordBase { }
class CricketRecord: TieableRecordBase { }

extension TieableRecordBase { 
  var totalPoints: Int { 
    return (2 * wins) + (1 * ties) 
  • 协议允许一种多继承的形式
  • When creating a type, you can use protocols to decorate it with all the unique characteristics you want
protocol TieableRecord { 
  var ties: Int { get } 

protocol DivisionalRecord { 
  var divisionalWins: Int { get } 
  var divisionalLosses: Int { get } 

protocol ScoreableRecord {
  var totalPoints: Int { get }


extension ScoreableRecord where Self: TieableRecord, Self: TeamRecord { 
  var totalPoints: Int { 
    return (2 * wins) + (1 * ties) 

struct NewHockeyRecord: TeamRecord, TieableRecord, DivisionalRecord, CustomStringConvertible, Equatable { 
  var wins: Int 
  var losses: Int 
  var ties: Int 
  var divisionalWins: Int 
  var divisionalLosses: Int
  var description: String { 
    return "\(wins) - \(losses) - \(ties)" 
  • With a design centered around protocols rather than specific classes, structs or enums, your code is instantly more portable and decoupled — methods now apply to a range of types instead of one specific type. Your code is also more cohesive because it operates only on the properties and methods within the protocol you’re extending and its type constraints. And it ignores the internal details of any type that conforms to it.
  • Protocol-oriented programming gives you all of the advantages of typical object-oriented programming while dodging most of the pitfalls.